no tornadoes is same,they need certain conditions to form-in particular intense or unseasonable heat.As ground temperature increases,moist air heats and starts to rise.when the warm,moist air meets cold dry air,it explodes upward,puncturing the layer above.a thunder cloud may begin to build.a storm quickly develops-there may be rain,thunder and lightning.upward movement of air can become very rapid.winds from different directions cause it to rotate.a visible cone or funnel drop out of cloud towards the ground.the vortex of winds varies in size and shape,and can be hundreds of metres wide.a tornado can last from several seconds to more than an hour and may travel dozens of miles.winds within the tornado may be so fast they cannot properly measured.instead, the Fujita scale is used to estimate speed.F0 is the slowest and F5 is the fastest.we are so lucky because no need face tornado in Malaysia.but we need to aware and know about it because the world climate is changing.we cannot sure that we will not face it in future like tsunami that happen unpredictable.i enjoy reading it because it show animation of the tornado formed. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/5328524.stm
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